Reward offered for information on animal cruelty leading to conviction

Reward offered for information on animal cruelty leading to conviction

Animal Protection Services is offering a reward of up to £1,000 for information leading to the identification, arrest, and conviction of people involved in organised animal cruelty.

The charity is looking for information on dog fighting, cock-fighting, ear cropping, offences relating to farmed animals, wildlife crime, and any other cruelty to animals. Your information may be the names of individuals involved, locations where offences are happening, vehicles being used by individuals who are abusing animals, or any other useful information that can be used to assist our intelligence-gathering operations.

A spokesperson on behalf of Animal Protection Services said: "We are delighted to be able to offer this reward to anyone who can provide useful information to further our intelligence-gathering operations. Any intelligence received will be assessed, graded, and appropriately disseminated by our experienced Intelligence Development Unit."

"The information may lead to deployment of Animal Protection Services resources and/or liaison with statutory agencies. We are working on several live operations currently and your information may just assist us in securing vital evidence of wrong-doing."

Anyone with information should call us on 020 4534 2786 or send information by email to [email protected].  


If you have information about organised animal cruelty, here are the steps to take:

1. Report the individuals to Animal Protection Services and/or the Police. Give as many details as you can about the suspected cruelty to animals. You do not need to give your name or any other identifying details. Tell the Police about Animal Protection Services' Reward programme.

2. Contact Animal Protection Services if you have any questions about giving information. We are always here to help end cruelty and get justice for animals.


Order our reward programme posters and display them prominently through your local neighbourhood or wherever you suspect animal cruelty occurs. Order posts by emailing us on [email protected].